e7 Health Articles


Posted: Aug 20th, 2021 at 05:05PM - by Jonathan Baktari MD/President & CEO

While do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders have been a prominent part of the medical landscape for decades, misconceptions persist among patients, their families, and even healthcare providers about what such orders mean. And an increasing body of medical literature suggests that patients and their families may want to take a moment to consider...

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HR Benefits of Drug Testing

Posted: Jan 30th, 2020 at 04:17PM - by Ashlee Arnold/Vice President

In SAMHSA’s 2018 survey [1], 11.7% of the U.S. population ages 12 and over admitted to using illegal drugs in the past month. And according to some estimates [2], as many as 74% of regular drug users are currently employed. This means that on any given day, approximately 18 million employees -- the people building our houses, teaching our.

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What Every Attorney Should Know About the Immigration Medical Exam

Posted: Mar 15th, 2019 at 03:41PM - by Jonathan Baktari MD/President & CEO

Immigration Attorney’s help their clients in many ways during the application process. One aspect of that process is the Medical Exam required by USCIS. As you already know, there is a feature on USCIS.gov to find a civil surgeon by zip code to refer your client to. But if your clients ask you specific questions about the exam and the...

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Why HR Should Separate Occupational Health Programs From Wellness Programs

Posted: Mar 15th, 2019 at 03:41PM - by Jonathan Baktari MD/President & CEO

HR Managers often have the responsibility of choosing and implementing health programs within their company. This can be a tedious, complex task of choosing vendors and then implementing and organizing those programs. There are many reasons why it is beneficial to separate Occupational health programs from Employee Health Services and Wellness..

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Getting A Travel Consultation Before International Travel

Posted: Mar 15th, 2019 at 03:37PM - by Jonathan Baktari MD/President & CEO

If you’re traveling internationally, special consideration must be given to your health based on your destination. International travel means you could potentially be exposed to unique conditions, environments, and diseases you aren’t concerned about in the United States — whether that’s because they don’t exist...

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e7 Health Videos